JSFK (Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Pharmacy at Andalas University since 2014. The increasing quantity of research in the fields of pharmaceutical science and clinical pharmacy, along with the high demand for scientific information in the healthcare sector, necessitates a platform that can facilitate these needs.

Archived article


The JSFK automatic email system is currently experiencing an error, causing notification emails for articles rejected by the Editor to not be sent automatically by the journal system. Authors are requested to check their articles; if they are archived, they have been rejected.

The reasons for rejection by the editor are as follows:

  1. The article lacks novelty.
  2. Similarity >25% when checked using Turnitin.
  3. The article uses references with less than 80% being from the last 5 years.
  4. The article quality is poor and does not conform to the template.
  5. The article resembles a lab report.
  6. The research is limited only in silico without any molecular dynamics data.
  7. The review article does not use systematic review and PRISMA guidelines.

The citation style for JSFK is already registered in the Mendeley database


Good news... The JSFK editorial team has successfully created and registered the JSFK citation style in the Zotero repository and Mendeley database. Therefore, authors can prepare manuscripts using the citation and reference features specifically prepared for JSFK by using the Mendeley application.

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): J Sains Farm Klin 11(2), August 2024

Published: 25-11-2024

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Drug-Drug Interactions in Hospitalized Diabetic Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study

Muhammad Adil khan, Nadia Farhanah Syafhan, Retnosari Andrajati, Bambang Wispriyono, Sidra Noor


Serum Gel Formulation of Mundu Fruit Extract (Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz) as Antioxidant and Anti-elastase

Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati, Yesi Desmiaty, Yuslia Noviani, Valeria, Yulia Triyani


Comparative Economic and Clinical Utility of Adding Candesartan for Hypertension Management

Najmiatul Fitria, Thang Nguyen, Afifah Machlaurin, Nabila Al Rizka, Dian Ayu Juwita


Development of Coffee Fruit Skin (Coffea canephora) formula as Antioxidant peel-off Masks.

Fith Khaira Nursal, Anisa Amalia, Nining Nining, Dania Athaya Putri, Kinanti Dara Larasati


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