Solid dispersion of usnic acid prepared by a freeze drying technique using poloxamer 188 as the polymer

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Deni Noviza
Lili Fitriani
Riana Zikra Fauzi


This study aimed to improve the solution of usnic acid, a poorly soluble drug using solid dispersions (SDs). The SDs were prepared by a freeze-drying technique with poloxamer 188 as a polymer. The physicochemical properties of the SDs were characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),. In addition, drug content, solution test and dissolution profile  was evaluated by using usnic acid (pure drug) and physical mixture as a reference. The results from  XRD and SEM showed that usnic acid was molecularly dispersed in the SDs as an amorphous form. The FT-IR results suggested that intermolecular hydrogen bonding had formed between usnic acid and its carriers. The result of solubility test showed that solubility of solid dispersions 1:1; 1:2; 2:1 (5.80 µg/ml; 6.94 µg/ml ; 4.88 µg/ml) were higher than the physical mixture 1:1 ( 0.39 µg/mL) and pure asam usnat have the lowest solubility (0.34 µg/mL). In conclusion, SDs prepared by a freeze-drying technique used poloxamer as a polymer can be used to enhance solubility of usnic acid

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How to Cite
Noviza, D., Fitriani, L., & Fauzi, R. Z. (2018). Solid dispersion of usnic acid prepared by a freeze drying technique using poloxamer 188 as the polymer. Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis, 5(1), 41–48.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Deni Noviza, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Andalas University

Bagian Farmasetika

Lili Fitriani, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Andalas University

Bagian Farmasetika

Riana Zikra Fauzi, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Andalas University

Bagian Farmasetika


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